Snow Removal

Snow Removal

The Village Maintenance Department prides itself on its response to winter storms. Our goals are to keep the main roads and priority routes passable and then to clear all streets as soon as possible after the storm has subsided.

The roads are treated in order of priority with the predicted weather in mind:

  • Main roads, hills.
  • Access to Village buildings to enable police/fire, maintenance and administration employees to do their jobs.
  • Subdivision streets, low-volume, no outlet, dead-end street and private roads with no other access for emergency services.

Every winter storm is different. Some of the variable factors include existing weather conditions, expected volume of snow, temperatures, length of the storm, effectiveness of de-icing agents, volume of traffic and availability of manpower and equipment.

Here are some things you can do to help the crews’ work most efficiently:

  • Park in your driveway, not in the street, especially not in cul-de-sacs or near intersections.
  • When you plow or shovel your driveway, keep it on your property. Don’t plow it into the road.
  • Avoid unnecessary travel.

If you must go out in snowy conditions, follow these precautions:

  • Clear all snow and ice off your car to increase visibility.
  • Allow more space than usual between your car and the car in front of you.
  • Stay behind plow trucks. Do not pass them or pull out in front of them.

With residents’ assistance in these matters, plow crews will be able to get the streets cleared with less interference from traffic and parked or stranded vehicles. They’ll be able to cover their routes more quickly.