Emergency Preparedness

Planning ahead can reduce stress when events cause us to lose basic necessities for a period of time. The linked articles below provide specific suggestions. The Village offers an Emergency Preparedness Guide free of charge at the Municipal Building, or you may also wish to consult these websites:

Phone Service During Power Outage

Being able to communicate by phone takes on new importance during a power outage, when schedules are adjusted or family members need to get in touch with one another. Following are a few recommendations from Amberley’s Department of Public Safety:

  • Keeping cell phones charged can be challenging when the power is out.
  • Two options for remaining connecting include purchasing a charger cord that can be used in your car or a portable cell phone charger that plugs directly into the phone.

Supply Kit

Preparing a supply kit ensures that you will have basic items on hand. Pack them in a duffel bag and store in a designated place, perhaps near your storm shelter. You kit should include:

  • Food and Water
  • One gallon of water per household member per day for at least three days. Store in tightly sealed plastic containers and change every six months.
  • Non-perishable food to last each person for at least three days. Include a manual can opener or choose self-opening containers, and replace every six months.


  • Battery-powered radio
  • Flashlights
  • Batteries
  • Washcloths and towels
  • Paper cups, plates and plastic ware
  • Basic toiletries such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant
  • Change of clothing for each person, including sturdy shoes and work gloves
  • Blankets or sleeping bag for each person

Personal items:

  • Identification
  • Copies of birth and marriage certificates, inventory of household goods, bank account numbers, important documents
  • Extra car and house keys
  • Medications

Tornado Safety

Tornadoes are severe rotating storms with winds that can exceed 300 miles per hour. About 1,000 touch in the U.S. each year. Though only a small number actually strike occupied buildings, people can be killed or injured, usually from flying objects or collapsed buildings. You can greatly reduce your chance of injury by taking a few precautions and staying alert to weather conditions.

Plan Ahead:

  • Designate a shelter area in your home. Basements or storm cellars, away from the west or south walls, are the safest. Otherwise, use an interior room or hallway on the ground floor.
  • PRACTICE getting to the shelter area and make sure all family members are aware of its location and when they should use it.
  • Store old blankets nearby to use as protection against flying debris in the event of a tornado

During a Tornado Watch:

  • Listen to radio or TV for updates
  • Be ready to take shelter.
  • Pay attention to tornado danger signs in the weather – dark, greenish sky, large hail and a loud roaring sound
  • Avoid large, flat buildings with wide open areas, like shopping centers.

When a Tornado Warning Is Issued

  • Head for your shelter area or if not at home, to a central, windowless area on the lowest floor of a nearby building
  • Leave vehicles and mobile homes at once
  • If caught outside, lie flat in a ditch and cover your head
  • Do not get under bridges or overpasses

After a Tornado

  • Watch out for falling debris and downed electrical lines
  • Make sure a building is structurally safe before entering

Know the Difference

  • Tornado Watch: Conditions are such that a tornado is possible.
  • Tornado Warning: A tornado has been spotted or is strongly indicated on radar, and it’s time to go to safe shelter.