

Zoning laws are in place to help manage what residents and businesses can do on their property.  Building heights, sizes, fences, outdoor structures like sheds and playhouses, setbacks from property lines and many other things are controlled by the zoning code, found in Chapter 154 of the Amberley Village Code of Ordinances.

Whenever you undertake a project covered under the zoning code, you must obtain a permit to do so.  Complete and submit the zoning approval form to request a permit for your project.  After this form is completed and reviewed, a building permit can be issued if your plans conform to the code.

If approval is not given and you feel that the zoning law is causing undue hardship, you can apply for a zoning variance through a hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals.  Zoning appeals must be made in writing at least 21 calendar days in advance of the BZA’s meeting.