Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals



Comprised of one representative from Council and four members appointed by the Mayor for a term of four years, this body has two distinct functions.

The Planning Commission (PC) may amend or modify the existing zoning code of the Village. A public hearing is held before any change is made, after which the PC makes a recommendation to Council. The Village Council can accept, reject, or modify and then adopt the PC’s recommendation.

The Zoning Board of Appeals (BZA) has the authority to grant relief from strict application of the zoning code when conditions of undue hardship or practical difficulty can be demonstrated. BZA cases are considered on an individual basis in the context of the zoning and neighborhood character.

Current Members

Name Title
Richard Bardach Chairperson
Rick Lauer Member
Scott Rubenstein Member
Craig Cappozzo Member
Nimet Jeruzalmi Member