WeTHRIVE! Health & Wellness Committee


Amberley Village became engaged with Hamilton County Public Health (HCPH) in 2011 as part of the Communities Putting Prevention to Work grant.  The Village’s Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) has been working with the HCPH since 2015 focusing on the Environmental Pathway in the WeTHRIVE! program.  This work has been instrumental in creating an action plan that helps to drive the ESC’s work program.

  • Chronic Disease Pathway: To make the healthy choice the easy choice through implementation of policy, systems and environmental change strategies to support improved nutrition, increased activity, decreased exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke and decreased burden of chronic disease.
  • Environmental Health Pathway: To create environments that promote healthy living and reduce the risk of disease, injury, and disability.

To learn more information about our work programs and accomplishments, visit Amberley's WeTHRIVE! Webpage.