Tennis & Pickleball Courts

Tennis and pickleball courts

Four courts are located adjacent to the Municipal Building. As a resident, you can purchase a key card for $50 that allows you to play on the courts with non-resident friends. Non-residents can obtain at key card for $100. The court key cards are sold for a period of two years and may be purchased at the Public Safety service window inside the building.

If you wish to purchase a key card during the second year of the two-year term, the price will be $35 and $70 for non-residents. Fees from card sales are used to offset maintenance expenses and court supplies.

Use of the courts is restricted to key card-holders and their guests. Please abide by the following courtesy rules:

  • No food or beverage (except water) is permitted on the courts.
  • When people are waiting to play, players must limit their playing time to a one-hour maximum. To assure compliance with this rule, courts must be relinquished at change-over time regardless of the time the courts have been in use by the players occupying the courts. Change-over time is defined as the exact hour i.e., 12:00 noon, 1:00 pm, etc.) Waiting players have their choice of court at change-over.
  • Utilization of courts is restricted to daylight hours. No person may enter the courts for any purpose after dark.
  • Please proceed to take a court only when your full playing party is present. It is not permissible for one person to hold the court while waiting for others to arrive.
  • Acts of vandalism and littering will be prosecuted under appropriate Village ordinances.
  • Only regulation tennis and pickleball shoes are permitted on the courts.
  • Appropriate clothing must be worn on the courts at all times. Shirts must be worn.